Aug. 19, 2016

044: Don't Compare Your Behind The Scenes to Someone Else's Highlight Reel | FFFT

044: Don't Compare Your Behind The Scenes to Someone Else's Highlight Reel | FFFT

One of the most dangerous things you can do when striving for success is to compare your journey to someone else's. In this episode, Matty A talks about how you can shift your mindset and avoid falling into this trap. He talked about how you can...

One of the most dangerous things you can do when striving for success is to compare your journey to someone else's. In this episode, Matty A talks about how you can shift your mindset and avoid falling into this trap. He talked about how you can use the environment and people in your world to inspire, instead of hinder you on your journey. This is something many struggle with, and when you learn to embrace this mindset, you will unlock new levels of fulfillment and inspiration that you've never had before.