084: 7 Figure Feather Business Leads to an Unconventional Life | Jules Schroeder

Today, many millennials are being described as lazy and entitled, when really they are just misunderstood by the generations who label them as that. In today's episode, Jules Schroeder shares some great insights around the whole topic of...
Today, many millennials are being described as lazy and entitled, when really they are just misunderstood by the generations who label them as that. In today's episode, Jules Schroeder shares some great insights around the whole topic of living an unconventional lifestyle and why it has become so poplar amongst millennials. Throughout time, every generation has introduced a new way of living to the world and without this kind of innovation and diversity, we wouldn't be where we are at today. Jules shares her journey as a millennial and how building multiple 7 figure businesses has led her to designing her own "unconventional life" that she now proudly enjoys.