136: Millennial Angel Investor Raises Over $1 BILLION Dollars While Paving The Way For Other Female Leaders In The Space |Codie Sanchez

Starting out as a journalist she decided it would be her mission to stop reporting on stories and start rewriting them. Whether she is helping investors across the globe achieve their goals as Head of Latin America Investment Distribution for...
Starting out as a journalist she decided it would be her mission to stop reporting on stories and start rewriting them. Whether she is helping investors across the globe achieve their goals as Head of Latin America Investment Distribution for First Trust Portfolios, investing & consulting in startup land, advocating for the next generation of women and Latinos in business, or leading her incredible team of strivers, you'll find her grinning like crazy every time someone says, “that's not possible”.
Having already been featured in People, Forbes, The Huffington Post, Fast Company and Telemundo, Codie is transforming the world we live in.
What you will learn:
- How was Codie able to push through some of the existing barriers and break into the financial sector? (4:10)
- What is the unique strength that Codie tries to double down on everyday that helps get her ahead? (12:02)
- What was the big “Ah-ha” moment that made Codie realize she was going to do some very impactful things in her career? (13:33)
- What are the three options everyone has in life for the situations they encounter? (18:04)
- Being in the financial sector what is her view on Cryptocurrency? (27:55)
- What are contrarian business models and why are they so important moving into the future? (33:39)
- What are some of the most important mindset strategies Codie practices on a daily basis? (37:31)
- Why creating a “Not to do list” will dramatically impact your life. (42:35)
- Where is Codie focused on for 2018 and moving forward? (44:45)
- “I’ve never been any good at coloring inside the lines.”
- “Follow the things you are curious about.”
- “Action pushes through fear.”
- “I’m not a victim. Only I get to choose if someone makes me feel like a victim.”
- “If you live in the U.S. you are already in the 1% and you have no excuse not to go out and create.”
- “Most people work for money, but it is important to work for either equity or knowledge.”
- “You will never create generational wealth working a 9 to 5.”
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YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCinIteUWBIk-ycgg5i7q99w/featured
Connect with Codie:
Her Website: https://www.codiesanchez.com/
Instagram: @codiesanchez