7-Day Market Surge, Forcing Bad Deals vs. Patiently Waiting For Quality Opportunities, Earnings Insights, and More! | Money Moves

In this episode of Millionaire Mindcast, the dynamic duo is back. Matty A and Ryan Breedwell jump into this past week's updates on world news, real estate, and market updates. The 7-day market surge, and forcing bad deals vs. patiently waiting for...
In this episode of Millionaire Mindcast, the dynamic duo is back. Matty A and Ryan Breedwell jump into this past week's updates on world news, real estate, and market updates. The 7-day market surge, and forcing bad deals vs. patiently waiting for quality opportunities. This and more on today's episode, So tune in, and enjoy!
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[00:00:00] Matty A.: What's going on guys? Welcome in to another episode of Money Moves every Wednesday. Me and my brother, Mr. Ryan Breedwell, jump on, talk all things stocks, real estate, investing, personal finance, and you know what we like to sprinkle, a little politics in there to keep it spicy. What it do, Mr. Breedwell? How you doing brother?
[00:00:46] Matty A.: I'm getting ready to head out to Disney. I'm gonna be extreme sportin it. I always feel like I have ran four marathons by the end of the day, and we're gonna be doing that for the next few days down in Disney for Ella's ninth [00:01:00] birthday. I can't believe I got a nine year old in my house, which is pretty wild.
[00:01:04] Matty A.: But we're excited, man.
[00:01:05] Ryan Breedwell: I was gonna say, are you, are you doing the genie pass thing? Oh,
[00:01:10] Matty A.: you know it. Come on, man. Okay, I was gonna say that. That is... That is a
[00:01:14] Ryan Breedwell: lifesaver. The thing that I didn't know when I went down there last time and did that, was some rides still caught you pay to pay money. The really popular ones, you actually have to pay to skip.
[00:01:24] Ryan Breedwell: Yeah, but it's worth it a little bit new for
[00:01:27] Matty A.: me. It's worth it. Once you think about how much, time is wasted standing in a bunch of those lines and me, I'm not very patient. I'm like,
[00:01:37] Ryan Breedwell: yeah. Yeah. When you have the kids too, if they don't want to, they also are on the same page of not standing in line.
[00:01:47] Matty A.: Yep. So we're excited for that. It's been, what, we had a nice little rain here in NorCal. It's supposed to be like 70 something degrees in SoCal. I am excited and ready to unplug a little bit. Was out in [00:02:00] Nashville last week on doing some due diligence on a new commercial building I'm in contract out there.
[00:02:06] Matty A.: First time in Nashville. And I gotta say, I frickin loved it. I did
[00:02:11] Ryan Breedwell: not have the same experience when I went. Really?
[00:02:15] Matty A.: But I stayed around Broadway. So I didn't
[00:02:17] Ryan Breedwell: go out more so than Broadway and I was like, man, this reminds me of Sixth Street, Austin.
[00:02:24] Matty A.: It did. It reminded me of Sixth Street, Austin, just way cleaner with more cops.
[00:02:29] Matty A.: Oh man, mine did
[00:02:29] Ryan Breedwell: not have that. I did not have that twang on mine. Mine was like, there were so many people that they shut the roads down and it was literally like, Chest to chest. It was crazy.
[00:02:41] Matty A.: Oh yeah, no, we I didn't get that. Maybe I went in the shoulder season of the year. It was cool though.
[00:02:48] Matty A.: I, their downtown scene though, just in general, their downtown was super nice, super clean, like not a lot of homeless around. It felt way better than six street in Austin to [00:03:00] me. Probably
[00:03:00] Ryan Breedwell: a highlight is the hotel I went to, when I went there, I went with a bunch of my buddies, and me and Zach, Zach, were splitting a room, and I upgraded the room, not knowing, I upgraded it to a couple's room, and the, as in the couple's rooms, the bathroom's see through into the living room.
[00:03:18] Ryan Breedwell: By the time we got there and found out, they like, were like, I couldn't figure out why they were eyeing us up and down in the fan are you gay? We're like, no. They're like, okay, we were getting that vibe. Did you know you got the couple's room? And I was like, oh no, I just got an email for an upgrade for a bigger room.
[00:03:36] Ryan Breedwell: So I just said yes, because we were splitting those. She goes, yeah, there's definitely no
[00:03:40] Matty A.: partition from the shower. You didn't want to watch Zach shower naked?
[00:03:44] Ryan Breedwell: IT was quite, we had, it was a pretty good joke. Everybody was having a good time with that one. So anyway, that's a highlight. And then shout out to my buddy, Kyler.
[00:03:53] Ryan Breedwell: He was out there. He's in
[00:03:54] Matty A.: a Texas counter Peters.
[00:03:56] Ryan Breedwell: He's an investor. He was out there. And he, I remember I woke up and [00:04:00] he was just in my room sleeping on the ground. I was like, how'd you get in here? He's
[00:04:02] Matty A.: I saw
[00:04:02] Ryan Breedwell: you guys last night. We linked up. It was a very fun time. Very fun time. But I'm glad that the food scene definitely was the highlight.
[00:04:09] Ryan Breedwell: Whew.
[00:04:10] Matty A.: Yeah. Good food. Lots of good music. So that was it was a pleasant surprise out there and got a pretty nice opportunity on the line there. So still working through some DD. I'm in contract on three deals right now, which is pretty nice. Actually. I'm not sure all three are going to close depending on DD and where everything kind of lands.
[00:04:31] Matty A.: But I know for a lot of people right now, they're struggling to find great deals and just struggling to make the deals pencil and we'll get into a little bit. I got some thoughts on, for those of you who are real estate investors and what I'm seeing out there and the cost of capital and, what opportunities and, or, landmines you need to keep an eye out for, or should be looking for and how you guys can really prepare yourself for what is coming.
[00:04:55] Matty A.: Cause it's starting to pick up some momentum. We'll talk about some data here later in the show. [00:05:00] I I think that. The party has begun and those deals are out there. You just got to work. Unfortunately, four or five, six times as hard to find them, but in any market, as you've always said this, there's always a bull market somewhere.
[00:05:14] Matty A.: And those contrarians who are out actively searching for it are the ones who find it when everybody's running scared. So we'll talk a little bit more about that, but if you're new to the show, don't forget to hit that subscribe button if you enjoy the show. All we ask, take five seconds to lead a review in iTunes.
[00:05:30] Matty A.: And again, don't forget to take advantage of your free financial portfolio review and x-ray. If you've got an investment portfolio and you don't have somebody that has gone through it with a fine tooth comb, and really this is something, especially right now that you should be getting your financial house in order, revisiting and making sure that all the things that you set up and expected to do are actually doing that.
[00:05:52] Matty A.: If there's tweaks adjustments, this is what Ryan and his amazing team do for all our million of my cast listeners. And you can take advantage of that.[00:06:00] By texting the word x ray to 844 447 1555. That'll connect you with Ryan and his team for all my credit investors. I might end up raising capital on one of the deals we'll see.
[00:06:11] Matty A.: But this is a list for my credit investors that exclusively get notified of my investment opportunities. You can get on that list by texting the word deals to that same phone number, 844 447 1555, and don't forget to check out. All the great stuff that we just relaunched the rich life store at million or minecast.
[00:06:32] Matty A.: com. You can go to a store. Is it store or shop tone? I'm trying to remember which one it's on the website and you can go and check out all the cool stuff that we've upgraded a lot of tools and resources, and we got some great deals for the month of November bundles, things like that for all of you who are looking to build wealth.
[00:06:52] Matty A.: And take advantage of some of these resources. You can check that out, million to mycast. com and of course. We've got some [00:07:00] exciting events and some some intimate experiences that Mr. Breedwell and I are going to be doing here in 2024. So don't forget to reach out to us at 844 447 1555.
[00:07:11] Matty A.: That's our text line, questions, comments, thoughts, and feedback always directed there. All right. So with that being said, we are going to update on some, at least headline news. I knew it was coming. I wasn't sure if it was gonna be bad, semi bad, or if he was gonna get off the hook, but S. B. F. Finally got convicted.
[00:07:36] Matty A.: Seven charges of fraud. What is it? North of 110 years or something like that? That he is getting 120 yeah. I
[00:07:43] Ryan Breedwell: Thought that Those are all the charges, I think, too, right? Yeah. hOur and a half. I think it was pretty quick. It was unanimous, which is good because that was a waste of taxpayer dollars.
[00:07:53] Ryan Breedwell: Anyway, I was gonna
[00:07:54] Matty A.: say, if there was anything but a unanimous decision on that I've already lost trust in our, justice [00:08:00] system as it is. That would've been the nail in the coffin, but I think that was just the head of the snake. I'm curious if you think that. All of the donors, all this, the people, politicians, celebrities that he funneled, hard working people's money to fraudulently, you think they're going to go after that?
[00:08:18] Matty A.: Or you think it stops with him? And that was he's the fall guy.
[00:08:21] Ryan Breedwell: I feel like what they should do is go after, Hey, if the money's not spent, you should just give it back and we can open up a fund to help, recompensate victims. But I don't know with it being a lot of the donors were politicians, most of them being Democrats, some of them being Republicans.
[00:08:37] Ryan Breedwell: I don't really know what's going to happen. My gut tells me that I think you hit the nail on the head with the. sOrry that was a big plane noise. They're just gonna let it be water off for ducks back. Hey, we got SBF I'm sure his girlfriend, ex-girlfriend, whatever, is gonna go and do some sort of, community service or time or something like that.
[00:08:57] Ryan Breedwell: But he'll for sure go to jail, which is what needs to [00:09:00] happen. And I would say he needs to go to jail for the rest of his life. Yeah. De not that many people it. The impact is not just, it's generational. It
[00:09:09] Matty A.: was interesting too, what I found odd was like, he, he paid Steph Curry like 20 million bucks for 10 hours worth of work.
[00:09:17] Matty A.: He paid Tom Brady like 50 million bucks for 48 hours. So I'm like, I didn't understand I, politicians. That's why they worked so
[00:09:25] Ryan Breedwell: hard into crypto. They were making millions of dollars on it. I don't know if they're liable, but I will say that. If they got money that was not, gotten in a wholesome way, it should be discouraged
[00:09:40] Matty A.: of it.
[00:09:41] Matty A.: I agree. And I thought it was interesting. This came out Senate GOP leader, Mitch McConnell. warns against, he spoke out against Josh Hawley's bill, which was to limit corporate donations. And obviously we know, you know why, because he is one of those individuals that has[00:10:00] big corporate donors that are lobbying and, lining his pockets.
[00:10:04] Matty A.: And I'm just curious if they're, that kind of falls in the same bucket to me as, Congress shouldn't be investing in the stock market because of insider information. It's a, misalignment and conflict of interest. Same thing in that same capacity and context.
[00:10:22] Matty A.: You think we're ever going to see any movement on the bill for limiting Congress and politicians from betting on the stock market and or something like that, where there's going to be limitations on corporate donors and how they incentivize and or sway policymakers? I feel like we've got
[00:10:41] Ryan Breedwell: a lot more chance of getting the no individual stocks.
[00:10:44] Ryan Breedwell: One through versus the corporate donors. Cause I think on both sides, Republicans and Democrats and everybody in between, I think they all get donations from special interests. Maybe making like a more level playing ground or or limiting the amount of money [00:11:00] somebody can get per year. Putting a cap on it.
[00:11:02] Ryan Breedwell: Hey, you can only get X, Y, Z amount of dollars. So whatever you do with these dollars and you do it. The best you can. Yeah. That kind of makes sense a little bit to me. I just don't know if there's enough people in there not getting corporate donations to get rid of the corporate donation side.
[00:11:20] Ryan Breedwell: That's, that would almost essentially get rid of lobbying. So I feel like they would jam a bunch of money into something like that and be able to stop it, at
[00:11:30] Matty A.: least for the time being. Now I saw this week billionaire investor Stanley Druckenmiller, which I didn't even know who that was. Do you know who that is?
[00:11:42] Matty A.: And who is he, by the way? He's just a hedge fund manager. Okay. So he's a hedge fund guy. He's came out and see was aggressively critiquing Janet Yellen saying that she made the biggest blunder in treasury history, basically saying that she had failed to take advantage of the ultra low interest [00:12:00] rates era.
[00:12:00] Matty A.: What did he mean by that? And is there any lessons that have come out of that looking back in hindsight? I think it's
[00:12:07] Ryan Breedwell: In the same essence as
[00:12:09] Matty A.: Silicon
[00:12:10] Ryan Breedwell: Valley Bank. where they were caught sleeping at the wheel. I'm not necessarily agreeing or disagreeing with his critique of Janet Yellen.
[00:12:19] Ryan Breedwell: I don't think Janet Yellen is the sharpest tool in the shed. I think she does a pretty good job and the best that she can do. But I do think that she has some policies that I don't agree with. And I do think that she's a little older, so she probably thinks and moves a little slower than some people might want to.
[00:12:33] Ryan Breedwell: Has a closed mind, maybe the new ideas. But I don't think that she made the biggest blunder in the feds history. That's a pretty that's a crown of thorns to wear. So I
[00:12:43] Matty A.: don't, yeah, I think he's throwing some
[00:12:45] Ryan Breedwell: shit. I think his point really is she messed up and it was a royal mess up and she could have easily avoided it by just taking advantage of lower interest rates, what he's indicating and why I don't know, I'd have to hear his.
[00:12:58] Ryan Breedwell: Thought process on [00:13:00] that. Hey, she, did he want her to load up more on zero coupon bonds? Did he, what is he indicating by her making a blunder? I haven't got some clarity on that because I only saw it briefly mentioned by a few news sources. But I think everybody's doing the best they can because ultimately the same people that are invested in the stock market as a whole, when the market doesn't go good those people, them they lose money.
[00:13:25] Ryan Breedwell: So I think that everybody wants the market at the end of the day to go up and over the past, week, we've almost gone up about 5% which is almost a full, I think we're just a few basis points away from a full recovery from the last few months, which is why we don't try to time the market because the market goes in waves and almost like when you get a ticket, get one ticket, then a week later, you get another ticket and you get another, it's almost like a thing when good or bad comes, it comes in waves.
[00:13:52] Ryan Breedwell: Stock market almost tends to work like that because when we have big swaths of news like earnings, they're all coming in within a 10 to 14 day [00:14:00] period, so a lot of stuff happens in this small amount of time. So market's looking pretty healthy. I'm not set to say we're in for an end of the year rally yet.
[00:14:09] Ryan Breedwell: But technicals have lined up to look very good. As far as at least having some bull run through the end of the year, because we broke out of the correction territory
[00:14:18] Matty A.: that we were dancing around in there for a little bit.
[00:14:21] Ryan Breedwell: So yeah, everything's looking pretty good.
[00:14:23] Ryan Breedwell: Everybody who invested over the past couple weeks has been rewarded. People who are letting their dividends be reinvested are being rewarded. That is the point and the wealth building journey on, the stock market, you have to stay in it for the long haul, the good, the bad, the ugly be a contrarian a lot of the times and not worry about when things get a little hairy.
[00:14:46] Matty A.: iT looks like the NASDAQ had their had its best week of the year. It looks like S and P's having a relatively, like you said, strong weak and showing and the bond market, it's acting as if the fed [00:15:00] is cutting rates. It looks like already baking that in.
[00:15:05] Ryan Breedwell: Yeah, and like Solana, there's been a lot of movement in the crypto world as well.
[00:15:11] Ryan Breedwell: Solana's up a hundred percent. yoU got a bunch of crypto stuff starting to move. I'm not saying that it's a good idea to get into crypto. I have, you guys know my position on that, but it's showing that people are going to speculate more. I think I saw a billion dollars going to XRP or a snapshot of somebody putting a billion dollars into XRP, which is a huge move.
[00:15:35] Ryan Breedwell: So I think the risk appetite is starting to build with people. Money market yields are coming down slightly with bond yields and coming down or bonds rallying. However you want to say that. So things are moving in the right direction as they should be. The inflation data is going to catch up.
[00:15:52] Ryan Breedwell: I've heard whispers and I'm not going to stake my flag yet of a negative CPI print on the next report next week. That would be a [00:16:00] really big deal for the market. I would say that would be a very big catalyst and could be enough to get the fire burning for the next two to three months until the
[00:16:10] Matty A.: market searches to find its next.
[00:16:13] Matty A.: Yeah, bad news is good news for the market right now, even though it's not necessary. And it's a good thing, I think, for investors, not necessarily good thing for maybe the economy as a whole in the short term, but we saw last week, unemployment rose to 3. 9%. Which obviously the job market feels like it's slowed pretty measurably.
[00:16:34] Matty A.: The data is starting to catch up on that. The latest monthly job gains of 150, 000 in october are one of the weakest in the past three years. That's the highest level of unemployment since january of 2022. So I think we're probably gonna see. That trend upwards going forward. I'm curious on your take there.
[00:16:53] Matty A.: Yeah,
[00:16:53] Ryan Breedwell: my Tomorrow tonight. There's a speech from the fed. [00:17:00] Actually. It's happening right now. That's also going to be a big deal. But yes, I think the trend forward is going to be positive as long as Something doesn't come out of the blue That's wild that scares or spooks the market because right now What you said earlier like bad news is good news It's bad news is essentially indicative or in indicating that what the Fed wants is happening, so they're not going to do anything, right?
[00:17:27] Ryan Breedwell: I think what the bad news is indicating is there's not going to be any new news. And the only new news that would be well received right now, I think is interest
[00:17:36] Matty A.: rate cuts. It's a little early for that, though. What did you see any updates to percentages or expectations around timeline estimates for cuts pauses?
[00:17:47] Matty A.: Yeah. So right now
[00:17:48] Ryan Breedwell: there's about an 87, it's closer to 88, but 87 percent chance of a pause at this, the December meeting. I think there's an 89 percent chance of a pause at the January meeting. There is [00:18:00] a. About 15 percent chance. No, about a 20 percent chance of a 20 percent chance of a cut coming in March.
[00:18:10] Ryan Breedwell: And I think we get up to a 38 to 40 percent chance of a cut. Coming in May, the consensus switches to, I think, 47 percent chance of a cut in June. So I do think that will move forward a hair and bleed over into May to March. I think somewhere in between there the nice thing is there's a gap between the March and the May meeting.
[00:18:34] Ryan Breedwell: So I'm, I think what they will do is indicate at the March meeting that they're thinking about cutting at the next meeting. Which gives a long time for the market to get itself ready. That'll make it so the market doesn't just shoot up, in one day it'll go up, but it'll won't go up so high over one day.
[00:18:56] Ryan Breedwell: And that'll give people time to get ready for the news. And then when the market starts to get [00:19:00] cut, I think you're going to see a huge bump in financials because banks are going to start making money cause they're going to start lending
[00:19:05] Matty A.: money again. Yeah. I know based on what is it, I forget what they call it.
[00:19:10] Matty A.: The slews or What was that? What report was it? Let me pull that up really fast. It was essentially this data came out today. It was, yeah, the slews. It was the senior loan officer opinion survey. And that data was released today regarding loans to businesses, to commercial real estate, and to individual and residential real estate and on the overall survey respondents reported tighter standards and weaker demand for commercial and industrial loans to firms of all sizes.
[00:19:49] Matty A.: Over this last quarter banks are reporting tighter standards and weaker demand for all commercial and residential and individual, right? And obviously a big piece of that is just [00:20:00] obviously the cost of capital. A lot of banks have their pencils down right now and are not looking at, there's not many people who look super, super great on paper based on what it is that they're going after.
[00:20:12] Matty A.: So you gotta be really bankable and you gotta look really good on paper right now to even get. A banker or, a lender to look at you, let alone to get any kind of terms that are favorable, that really allow the deals to pencil and make sense. Hence why so many people are just sitting on the sideline.
[00:20:30] Matty A.: The transactional volume is so low and so slow that, a lot of people are really twiddle in their thumbs, waiting, hoping that there are, going to see some easing in those rates. And obviously, like you said, incentivizing banks to get money moving out the door again. I think we've lost.
[00:20:49] Matty A.: Oh, go ahead. Do you want to add something to that? No, I was
[00:20:52] Ryan Breedwell: agreeing with it. I said that I was going to say that makes a lot of sense because without banks being able to give money to investors and the [00:21:00] banks making a spread and hopefully the investors making a spread as well, it keeps the proverbial wheel of the banking system working and
[00:21:06] Matty A.: rolling.
[00:21:07] Matty A.: Yeah, I've posted on my Instagram story today. I've probably had a dozen or so people reach out to me saying that, they've found a deal that would have made sense, 12, 24 months ago, but because the cost of capital is, where it's at today and the terms of loan to value and.
[00:21:24] Matty A.: The timeframes of when they want balloon payments and, points, a lot of lenders are either pencils down or their terms are just so unfavorable. Hey, take her, take it or leave it. You want this deal or not? We can't make the numbers pencil with those terms. And this stalemate of transacting is, going on right now, which is trickling into different aspects of, different real estate asset classes in the real estate market as a whole.
[00:21:51] Matty A.: And it really makes it tough to do deals. Hence, Two of the three deals I'm doing right now are seller financing deals. And the only way these [00:22:00] deals actually make sense is because the sellers are willing to carry paper for a couple of years, do interest only. And it still makes the numbers work.
[00:22:07] Matty A.: And I'm betting on the fact that, rates are going to be better than 8 percent at some point in time for me to lock in, we will think. will. And smart sellers understand that they got to play ball if they can by being the bank in the short term to make some of these deals work if they really do want to sell.
[00:22:24] Matty A.: But I've been telling a lot of people too, doing a bad deal. Is way worse than doing no deal right now. Unfortunately, that is the scenario and circumstance that we find ourselves in. And even though you might be missing out on one opportunity now, and maybe there's some lost opportunity costs or some stale money by sitting on the sidelines, doing a bad deal and putting yourself in an even worse position could prevent you from making up tenfold that lost opportunity costs in the short term over the longterm.
[00:22:56] Matty A.: And so I think that's just something that. I'm trying to remind people of right [00:23:00] now is as bad as you want to do a deal. A bad deal is way worse than no deal at all. So keep that in mind. And when you look at, a lot of the data right now, wage growth slowed to 4. 1 percent versus last year's 6%, which if you think about that.
[00:23:18] Matty A.: On a grand scheme of things, that's going to lower inflationary pressures. People with less buying power, less competition. We know where debt's at. We know where credit cards are at, right? So some of this pressure and some of the quote unquote bad news right now is actually going to create a lot of momentum for great opportunities going forward.
[00:23:38] Matty A.: And you want to be ready to capitalize on that opportunity. So Forcing the issue, forcing a deal right now is not always going to be in your best interest when at least my sentiment is there's going to be some great opportunities right around the corner. So now's the time. To be [00:24:00] budgeting, getting your financial house in order, being patient.
[00:24:04] Matty A.: I know a lot of people that I've seen have these silent spending problems where their lifestyle creep came in and now the things are slowing down or pulling back or retracting a little bit, they're not. Thinking about it. They're not learning from what others learn from and previous downfalls or crashes or market cycles.
[00:24:23] Matty A.: And you and I have been on this conversation for some time of, I think it's going to be an opportunity of a lifetime it's coming. So get ahead, do some of the things that most people. Don't want to do right now because there's going to be a lot of people who go bankrupt in this next season. There's going to be more people that fall further behind.
[00:24:40] Matty A.: And then there's going to be some people like there are in every economic cycle and shift that get massively ahead. And your choices today are what impact where you're going to be at in 10 years. Having a good plan. That's why you and I are having conversations about investing right and following my plan that you and I set out on.
[00:24:59] Matty A.: It's [00:25:00] being diligent and prudent about my plan of what I know I'm going to need to have in order to go out and capitalize in this next buying season, because this could be a season that completely changes the family tree for generations and decades to come. So just keep that in mind. I
[00:25:16] Ryan Breedwell: couldn't agree more, and I was going to add to that something that popped in my head.
[00:25:21] Ryan Breedwell: Powell also speaks on Thursday. Fed Chair Powell does speak on Thursday, and so that, if that's positive that'll play through on Friday during market hours. And earnings are starting to come in are still coming in pretty good. Dish Network was the most, the biggest name that's reported so far this week.
[00:25:43] Ryan Breedwell: They'd be on their top line. I'm seeing, oh, and I don't know if it wasn't Travelocity, it was TripAdvisor. TripAdvisor beat as well, which is actually something I wasn't expecting. I thought they might miss because leisure, it's a leisure shop. They're also doing very well. Keep on [00:26:00] keeping on to everybody that's invested where we're close to the end.
[00:26:03] Ryan Breedwell: The turn of the year is right around the corner and so is March and that season the people that are diligent are going to be like Matt said, rewarded
[00:26:12] Matty A.: for that. Absolutely. And you had mentioned, and I don't know if you want to expand on it. At all or not, but I know you're, you've always, counseled me on, every time I get excited or I come on some cash, I'm doing a lump sum or just following a disciplined plan. And maybe sometimes there are certain seasons or opportunities where it may make sense to throw a little extra money into the market. Would you say this upcoming season would potentially align with. Layering in a little bit more investment into the market right now, or is it just one of those seasons that you just consistently execute on the plan and wait to see what 2024 has to offer?
[00:26:57] Ryan Breedwell: Yeah. I had a couple of clients put in, [00:27:00] lump sums in the past like eight or nine days ago, right before the market took off. And they've made 20, 30, 000 returns just in the past five days on those amounts of money. That's, not as as common as we might want it to be, but yeah, this is a great time because I feel like what's going to happen is we're going to get more positive news.
[00:27:17] Ryan Breedwell: The market's going to recover. We've already been at 4, 500. We're down at 43 right now. So we have a little bit of room to run. And once we pass 45 again on the S and P 500, we're in that search for 48 and some change. To break through kind of the all time high ceiling. Once the, all that kind of stuff happens,
[00:27:35] Ryan Breedwell: I think a lot of people are going to be pissed that stayed on the sideline and stayed in money market funds, making them 4 percent because just in the past couple of days, if you got off the sidelines, you've made more than a money market fund will pay you from January 1st, this year, all the way through the end of the year, but you made it in five days.
[00:27:50] Ryan Breedwell: So that is way more powerful to me than being scared and sitting on the sideline and saying, I can't handle to see I buy a hundred [00:28:00] units or a hundred shares of something. I can't stand to see the value of it fluctuate. That's just a ridiculous mindset to have when you're an investor, you have to let things fluctuate.
[00:28:10] Ryan Breedwell: You have to be willing to take some on paper losses, Berkshire Hathaway is that you mentioned today to 13 billion in paper losses. They're not selling any of those
[00:28:18] Matty A.: businesses. They're all on paper. So that's going to come back in, in the grand scheme of things. When I write that line out and we are probably going to all agree that.
[00:28:27] Matty A.: Even though it might be 13 billion less today, it's probably going to be a lot more in five or 10 years from now because they're holders long term buying quality.
[00:28:36] Ryan Breedwell: That's why buying quality is very important. I'm down to speculate like with a small portion of a portfolio, but buying quality assets stuff that preferably pays dividends, you can reinvest them over the longterm.
[00:28:46] Ryan Breedwell: That's the stuff that's again. It doesn't seem sexy, but it really does work. And when your account gets big enough and you're slapping in 40 or 50, 000 a year in dividends on top of your contributions. And so it's almost like a hundred thousand dollars a year is going [00:29:00] into your account. That's a really powerful thing to happen.
[00:29:03] Ryan Breedwell: Just takes a little bit more time. And it's because you can't leverage into the stock market or you shouldn't like you can into real estate. But then sometimes leveraging. Throws a monkey wrench in your plans and it becomes expensive to leverage. So totally. Stock market's a wonderful thing, like I said, to do with everything.
[00:29:19] Ryan Breedwell: Your insurance, your real estate your
[00:29:20] Matty A.: traditional investments. I think it's a perfect way to wrap up, right? Of if you are someone. that has time on their side. And even if you're still in your fifties or sixties, and you still got time on your side, but especially if you're, 50 and under, even if you think something small might feel irrelevant to you, small things done consistently and compounding over a long period of time.
[00:29:47] Matty A.: End up turning into big things that are sexy and are significant. So just keep that in mind. If you guys want to connect with Ryan and his team, as always, we make it available. Text the word x ray to 844 447 [00:30:00] 1555. If you are an accredited investor. Want to get on my deals list, text deals to that same phone number.
[00:30:07] Matty A.: Again, don't forget to check out millionairemindcast. com. We got all great stuff in the store for you guys. And with that being said, keep investing in yourself and your wealth on your March to a million and beyond. And we will see you guys in next week's episode.