March 23rd, 2023 | Matt's Weekly Text Letter
👋🏼 Hey, It’s Matty A, host of Millionaire Mindcast, and in this week's Millionaire Notes, you are going to discover the things that’ve been fueling my whole life millionaire lifestyle as of late. Ready? Let’s dive in!
Read of the Week:
Contrarian Thinking Newsletter - Codie Sanchez's Contrarian Thinking newsletter is a weekly publication that aims to challenge conventional wisdom, inspire out-of-the-box thinking, and provide unconventional business and investing ideas. The newsletter covers various topics, including entrepreneurship, finance, investing, personal development, and alternative investments. The newsletter often features in-depth articles, case studies, and interviews with successful entrepreneurs and investors who have achieved success by challenging conventional wisdom and exploring unorthodox opportunities. The goal of the newsletter is to provide readers with actionable insights, strategies, and inspiration to help them create a life and career that aligns with their values, passions, and personal goals. Give it a read!
Wisdom of the Week
Are you afraid of being judged or hated on? Most people’s lives are dominated by the thoughts of other people. Most people live their life trying to get other people’s approval instead of their own, and the fear of rejection or criticism is exaggerated so much that they never actually take action or pursue the things they truly want to deep down. Why? Because they constantly worry about what other people think. If this is you, here’s one piece of advice: Be unemotional about how people feel about what you do, and how you do it, and be emotional about what it can do for others or how it will change your life by moving forward. Take control of your emotions! Don’t give that power to other people. If your emotions are dependent on other people’s approval, you will always be unhappy and limit what is possible for your life.
Question of the Week
Question: What’s one thing you are focusing on improving this year in your own personal life or business that’s a top priority (Ashley R - Las Vegas, NV)
Answer: While I have always prioritized making money and scaling revenue, I haven’t made tax planning a major focus like it should be. As I continue to scale my business revenue and acquire more real estate, it is evident that tax planning holds equal importance. It’s not about how much you make, but how much you keep and I want to continue to get better at playing the tax game. With that said, making this a priority, I’ve engaged the likes of tax experts like Tom Wheelwright and others to assist in helping me pay as little taxes as possible. If you haven’t caught this episode, Tom reveals many of his tax secrets that the rich and wealthy use to pay little or no taxes…LEGALLY!
Pic of the Week
Well, I’ve always been a fan of cool and trend setting looks, but I don’t think this would classify as that. I had a great time this week with my latest Tour Tahoe 1on1 mastermind attendee, but I may have forgotten to put on some sunscreen when we were shredding the mountain at Heavenly Ski resort. That said, I am so grateful we got some epic weather for snowboarding, we enjoyed world class dining at the best Lakefront restaurant in town, and got to map out all his business and investment goals for 2023 and beyond. Worth it!
Something I Enjoyed This Past Week:
This last week I got to speak to a group of investors and realtors about the power of buying real estate with little to none of your own money. From 100’s of flips to buying commercial strip centers and medical plazas, over 80% of my portfolio acquisitions have been using OPM (other people’s money). People were so excited by what I shared, I decided to make a video on my 500K/year passive income plan and walk you through the exact steps on how you can create a simple plan like this for yourself, how to find these properties, how to structure using other people’s money, and I even break down one of my commercial properties on exactly how I do it. You can watch the full video here.
Onward and upward,
Matty A
PS - Hey, you! Yes, YOU! Want to join me for a day of shredding gnar on the slopes, indulging in world-class cuisine by the lake, and chatting about your wealth and business goals? Of course, you do! And who wouldn't want to become best buds with yours truly in the process? Don't be a fool and miss out on this epic adventure! Apply now to secure your spot for the Tour Tahoe day of 1-to-1 masterminding before someone else takes it!