Season 1

Dec. 22, 2023

My 2024 Battle Plan - Goals, Motivation, and Preparing For War | FFT

In this episode of Millionaire Mindcast, Matty A. talks about his 2024 battle plan, and you can crush your goals using his mantra. So tune in, Take notes, and Enjoy today's Food For Thought Friday episode!   Episode Sponsored By:...

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Feb. 20, 2017

099: How to Avoid Divorce and Build Healthy, Wealthy, Legendary Relat…

Its no secret that having great relationships is an important part of being successful in life. Whether professional or personal, learning how to take your relationships to the next level is what separates the ordinary and legendary leaders in...

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Feb. 13, 2017

098: How to Be a Leader and Tap into Your Miracle Mindset | JJ Virgin

Whether its personal or professional, sometimes life throws us a curveball. Im a big believer that life is 10% of what happens to us and 90% about how we respond to it. When adversity knocks on your door, how do you respond? In today's...

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Feb. 10, 2017

097: Don't Fall Into the Dangerous "Comparison Trap"

~Today's Friday Food For Thought ~ When we're constantly striving for more in life, its hard not to fall into the trap of comparing ourselves to others. The danger in this is that it leads us into a space of judgement and self-doubt. When we...

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Jan. 30, 2017

095 - The Millennial Mindset for Making Millions and Building a Billi…

Today's Millionaire Worth Modeling interview is with Mark Lack. This successful 26 year old is a 7 figure millennial entrepreneur, author of Shorten the Gap, established speaker, and a dedicated philanthropist. He’s shared the stage with...

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Jan. 16, 2017

094 - How to Become More Mindful and Present (+Guided Meditation) | …

If you've been paying attention to recent trends, movements that aim to elevate human consciousness are growing stronger and gaining momentum. Now that various mindfulness and meditation practices are becoming more easily accessible, many...

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Jan. 9, 2017

093: How to Unlock Your Epic Life in 5 Steps | Alexi Panos and Presto…

Are you looking to level up your life in 2017 and actually see some results? If so, then you'll want to listen to what the guests in this episode have to say. I had the honor of interviewing one of the personal development industries power couples,...

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Dec. 12, 2016

092: 5 Tips on How to Make 2017 Your Best Year Ever | Matt Aitchison

Are you excited for what the new year holds? New opportunities, new relationships, and new experiences are right around the corner. I just got back from speaking at Hal Elrod's "Best Year Ever Blueprint" conference and I shared from stage...

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Dec. 7, 2016

091: Top 15 Warren Buffet Quotes To Fire You Up| WTW

I think we can all agree, when it comes to investing, Warren Buffett can teach us all a few things. He's been in the game for a long time, has made many people rich, and does it in a high integrity way that has earned him to title, the "Oracle of...

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Dec. 5, 2016

090: If Gary Vaynerchuck Had an Australian Brother, It'd Be This Guy|…

In today's crowded world of social media, its tough to stand out. "Good content finds a way to go viral, and Im always working to skate to the next puck". In today's episode, you meet Kerwin Rae, a 19 year "overnight success" who educates and inspires...

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Dec. 2, 2016

089: "The Grind" vs Entrepreneurial Wellness

"In order to succeed, you have to grind your ass off"! This is a common belief and saying amongst many entrepreneurs and business owners in todays current landscape. While this is definitely true, entrepreneurship is an endurance test. "Grinding" will...

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Nov. 30, 2016

088: No Matter How Smart You Are, You Will Lose | WTW

No matter how smart you are, no matter how prepared you are, if you do something long enough, eventually you will have a humbling experience. Whether its life in general, or investing specifically, see why losing is good for you in the big...

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Nov. 28, 2016

087: Building a 6 and 7 Figure Location Free Business | Regan Hillyer

Nowadays, everyone and their mom claims to be a business coach making multiple six figures while being location free. After some vetting, we found one that is actually doing just that, while helping other do the same. Regan Hillyer is a New...

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Nov. 25, 2016

086: How To Be More Grateful (Not Just on Thanksgiving) | FFT

During my morning gratitude session, I found myself wondering why today (Thanksgiving) I felt so much more grateful than all the other days this year. What was it about today in particular that enabled me to be more grateful -to feel...

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Nov. 23, 2016

085: This Easy Challenge Will Make You Wealthier, Faster |WTW

Have you ever asked yourself why you want to be a millionaire? Is it money that you desire, or is it what you believe money will provide you? Before you start chasing wealth and wanting to be a millionaire, first I challenge you...

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Nov. 21, 2016

084: 7 Figure Feather Business Leads to an Unconventional Life | Jule…

Today, many millennials are being described as lazy and entitled, when really they are just misunderstood by the generations who label them as that. In today's episode, Jules Schroeder shares some great insights around the whole topic of...

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Nov. 18, 2016

083: What If I Told You That You Had 1 Year Left to Live?! | FFT

What if you were told, out of the blue, that you were going to die and you had 1 year left to live? Would you choose to live differently? What exactly would you do? Today's episode was inspired by, and is dedicated to one of the greatest...

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Nov. 16, 2016

082: Implement These Wealth Affirmations to Create More Abundance in …

Affirmations are one of the most powerful tools on earth for removing limiting beliefs and re-programing your mind for success. Recently I realized that I have many powerful affirmations and incantations, but not of them truly focuses on the...

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Nov. 14, 2016

081: Disrupt Wall Street and Empower Main Street | Damion Lupo

In my opinion, unless your a top dog on Wall Street and you understand the landscape, you're just gambling with your money and the odds aren't in your favor. Damion Lupo feels the same way and in todays Millionaire Worth Modeling interview, he shares...

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Nov. 11, 2016

080 - Just Be Yourself. Everyone Else is Taken.

One of the greatest things that ever happened to me was the day I fully accepted me for me, and quit trying to be anything but that.  When I discovered the power in me, the power we all have within us, and I turned up the volume on that,...

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Nov. 9, 2016

079 - Instead of Giving Advice, Im Asking For It | WTW

Often on Wealth Tip Wed, I am giving out some piece of advice on how to increase your income, impact and influence on your wealth building journey. Today, the tables have turned and I need you're help. Are you willing to share your advice back...

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Nov. 7, 2016

078: Achieve Extraordinary Results While Working Less | Jay Papasan

What would it look like if you were able to focus your time and energy on one thing such that by doing it, everything else would become easier or unnecessary? In this weeks interview, I dive into this exact topic with the author of "The One Thing", Mr...

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Nov. 4, 2016

077: Are You Willing to Pay the Price? | FFT

"The only thing that sat its way to success was a hen" - Sarah Brown. The only way to accomplish anything in life is to put in the work. The more desirable it is, usually the harder the work it will require. After a great phone call with an old...

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