How To Achieve Wealth, Happiness, And Freedom Like The Pro's | Jimmy Rex | Replay

In this episode of the Millionaire Mindcast, we have a superb guest, Jimmy Rex who shares tips and talks about how to achieve fulfillment, happiness, build wealth, freedom, contribution piece, trust factor, and how to live a whole life like a...
In this episode of the Millionaire Mindcast, we have a superb guest, Jimmy Rex who shares tips and talks about how to achieve fulfillment, happiness, build wealth, freedom, contribution piece, trust factor, and how to live a whole life like a millionaire!
Jimmy Rex is an active real estate investor and agent-based in Utah, real estate coach, blogger, popular speaker, author, podcaster, and host of The Jimmy Rex Show, that shows extraordinary people living extraordinary lives. This show is constantly on the top charts for multiple platforms. He has found success in the real estate industry starting at a young age to now selling over 2,000 homes by the time he turned 37.
Being one of the most trusted coaches in the real estate industry, his course, 100K Agent Blueprint, is helping Agents build their business with the help of learning new processes and techniques like social media. Also, Jimmy is an undercover operative for OUR and makes numerous dangerous trips to third world countries to save young children and teenagers be freed from sex traffickers.
Jimmy shares about the values that he really put a lot of effort into and strives like being authentic, vulnerable, and in integrity. Aside from that, he admits that he is very particular with the trust factor. He emphasizes self-amusement and is not afraid to say something in order to attract and gain trust from people. The point is, don’t take yourself quite so seriously but make fun of yourself. This will surely make people like you.
On the other side, in order to avoid the mistake of having the mindset that you’re going to burn out and wear out, do the things you really enjoy. Accordingly, it is crucial to find your WHYs and have clarity on them. Thus, don’t keep on looking in the wrong direction and stop living in the past. All you need to do is to look forward and create a life blueprint. Think about how to be consistent at and persistent to achieve your goals.
Currently, Jimmy keeps on growing, contributing, giving impact to the world by constantly learning and trying to better himself, constantly pouring and making deposits by helping people in need!
Some Questions I Ask:
- Was that living your whole life like a millionaire innate in you? Where did it all start? (00:39)
- What do you say to that person who wants to be more authentic and genuine but doesn’t know how to do it? (03:18)
- How do you manage your emotional states and energy being a successful entrepreneur with adventures and social aspects to keep that peak performance? (05:41)
- What is your WHY and what do you say to the people that feel unclear on where to find their way and purpose? (07:19)
- What are some of those lessons that you shared with the kids yesterday that might help them to set and look like Jimmy Rex right now in 5, 10 years down the road? (14:17)
- How did that 32 sales in one day from a social media post come about? (19:34)
- What does your life formula or your method of madness look like? (25:26)
- What are you most excited about in 2021 and beyond? (29:05)
- On your philosophy, are you more inspired about growing your net worth, or are you more about the passive income and the freedom that’s unlocked in that income? (33:32)
- What’s the meaning and story behind your body imprint? (36:25)
In This Episode, You Will Learn:
- Jimmy’s mantra to find the best people in life (01:03)
- Tip on how to get more attracted in human (03:54)
- The truth about being burnt out (06:22)
- The two human needs that need to be fulfilled (09:54)
- The importance of building a life by design (15:53)
- Two ways of Trust (20:24)
- Jimmy’s rule in real estate investing (21:30)
- The most attractive quality of human can have (27:30)
- “The more you do, the more excited you give, the more energy that’s being created, the more you want to do more and more.”
- “If you are burning out you’re not doing something you loved.”
- “I have to take bigger risks because I have to do bigger things.”
- “If you want to live backward, only do it to learn.”
- “There is no thee, we are the thee.”
Connect with Jimmy Rex on:
The Next Wave of Influence in Real Estate book by Jimmy Rex
You End Up Where You’re Heading book by Jimmy Rex
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[00:00:00] I'm excited to welcome into the show. Mr. Jimmy Rex. What is up, man? Dude, thanks for having me. It's a life's good. Life's always good. It was we've connected a little bit, on social media and gone back and forth. And I feel like I'm very selective in who I like to follow myself.
[00:00:15] Cause there's so many people out there. There's a lot of things of not necessarily being real or who that person is. And I was just telling you before the show, you're one of these individuals. That is very transparent, very real and what you stand for and how you do what you do really resonates with me and I know it's going to resonate with our audience for living that whole life millionaire status, you really check a lot of different boxes right now.
[00:00:37] I'm curious where was that just innate in you? Was it, passed on from your father, your grandfather, I know you have a big, a family and there's a lot of things that are. Foundationally really strong with you. So I'm curious where this all started. Yeah, it's interesting actually that you say that it's so I hired a life coach back in 2011, maybe through the Tony Robbins organization.
[00:00:59] And I ended up getting one [00:01:00] of their top coaches, this woman named Melissa, and she's actually still my life coach to this day. She's incredible, amazing human has helped me in so many ways. And we went through a lot of. Layers of me and chipping off a lot of things that needed to fall by the wayside and she ultimately came up with three things for me.
[00:01:19] She said, Jimmy you are most lovable and you will find, the best people in your life. You'll find your romantic partner in your life. All these things when you are authentic, uh, vulnerable and in integrity, those were the three things. And so that's been part of my mantra. It's funny like I have this little day planner that I always carry around with me and it's right there It's vulnerable authentic and integrity.
[00:01:44] I keep it on me every single week every day So those are the things that I try to be man Those are three values that you know I really put a lot of effort into being and I because you see the benefits where we're so afraid To be vulnerable. We're so afraid to be a little bit genuine sometimes because we don't know if we're rejected or [00:02:00] vulnerable state.
[00:02:00] If we're rejected our most genuine state, then that's us truly being rejected. If you're faking who you're being and people reject that's a lot easier to be like they don't know the real me, I'm not showing them my real side, but when you get vulnerable and you get authentic and people reject that there's a lot of risk there.
[00:02:15] And so people don't like to do it, but as you do it more and more, you see how people are receptive to it and how they start to open up. And so for me. It's just been a way to really connect with other people. And so I do strive, I'm obviously not perfect at that, but I do strive to always try to be genuine, authentic, and integrity.
[00:02:33] I love that, man. Yeah. I found that of course, everybody wants to be accepted. And being in business and in real estate, right? You really have to in sales, you got to build up somewhat of that thick skin. And sometimes you build those walls up to where people don't get the real you. And I noticed that when I started just being the organic version of myself, my conversations, my experiences, my relationships, opportunities, all started to mirror and be that organic reflection of [00:03:00] me just showing up as that person.
[00:03:02] But I know a lot of people, right? Don't ever want to necessarily open that. What do you say to the person that's man, I want to be more authentic and genuine, but I just don't know how to do it. What was it that kind of gave you that permission outside of your coach, and you actually leading that in your life on a daily basis.
[00:03:19] Yeah. Just start with little things, be a little bit more vulnerable with some of the people you trust the most or a little bit more genuine around, people maybe that when you're meeting them and you'll see the benefits of it. So it's not like this giant, you go from A to Z, or, from one to 10, but just take little steps like.
[00:03:34] Share a story that, another way I learned this, I used to do stand up comedy over at wise guys comedy club when I was in my early twenties and I recognized that if I got up on the stand and I started making fun of the audience right away. They rejected me. They didn't like it. They would be like this guy's a jerk, but if I got up first and just made fun of myself a few times first, or just made a little subtle jab at my own self, then all of a [00:04:00] sudden I go, this guy's, he's chill. Like he's not afraid to make fun of himself. And so maybe just a little bit like, don't take yourself so serious. Like just enjoy the amusement of your own life.
[00:04:10] I have a friend, his name's Chad, and he's one of my favorite people. Kids. He is only 24. He's one of my close buddies. And he's just thoroughly amused by the entertainment of his own life. I don't know how to explain it. He just goes throughout the day completely enthralled, like he'll be walking through my house and he is are we just not gonna talk about this amazing painting on the wall right here?
[00:04:29] And is, he's just so high on life and I just love it. Like all my friends, like they, we all love being around him because he's just. Has that self amusement is not afraid to just say something. And it's really makes you more of an attractive human. And so I just encourage people to just do little things, like just open up a little bit, don't take yourself quite so serious, don't be afraid to make fun of yourself.
[00:04:48] And you'll see the benefits people really enjoy it. You brought something up a little bit of we know those people where you just, they're infectious, right? You want to be around them. They bring out the best in you. They challenge you. They inspire [00:05:00] you. And, one of those, I think superpowers is people's ability to really one, the people who can naturally do it is great, but we all have the power, I think, to create and share our energy with other people.
[00:05:11] And you've got a great, energy that's natural about you, but how do you manage kind of your emotional. States being a high successful, peak performing entrepreneur, real estate owner as well as investor. But you also, you got adventure, you've got a lot of social aspects.
[00:05:28] You got the a hundred dollar dinner club. Like how do you manage your energy and your state on just a day to day basis to keep that peak performance? All those things you just mentioned, that's what gives me energy. That is where the energy come from. There's this myth that if we do more, we'll have less energy.
[00:05:46] And it's actually the opposite. The more you do, the more excited you get, the more energy that's being created, the more that you want to do more and more. And so I think the mistake that people make is to have this mindset that I'm going to burn out, I'm going to wear out. If you're burning out, you're not [00:06:00] doing something you love.
[00:06:01] You never burn out of doing things you really enjoy. You don't burn out of, being on passionate dates or you don't burn out of having a crazy, amazing experiences with your friends. You don't burn out of. Changing lives for people. You burn out when you're like, you're not motivated, you have no passion or you have no why behind what you're doing.
[00:06:18] And I do all those things to give me more and more energy. Like I am energized every day by helping other people, by having these crazy experiences, by living life at the highest level, by enjoying the greatest that I can get of food and friends and everything, just the environments that I get to be in all these different things.
[00:06:37] That's me. But those things actually feed me and give me energy. And so the more you can get around the stuff that inspires you more inspired, you're going to be. I love that you talk about and we hear a lot of people talk about, knowing your why. And most people's kind of default answer is, Oh, it's my kids or it's my wife.
[00:06:54] And I know a lot of people who don't have that struggle with what is my why? And what [00:07:00] do you say to those people? Because I know you've got a big why and you make big impact and you don't necessarily have, a wife yet. You don't have kids yet. So what is your why? And what do you say to the people that feel a little bit lost or unclear on where to find their why and that purpose?
[00:07:14] Yeah, it's so I, there's one of my favorite speeches it's ever given is by Matthew McConaughey and he talks about the, his hero is him in 10 years. His hero is who he's going to be in 10 years. And I love that because I always like joke around. Like people would say Jimmy, what are you all this success to?
[00:07:33] And I'm like, man, I owe it to Jimmy in his twenties. Like that guy I just want to give that dude a hug. Cause he worked so hard and he really did all the right things to. put me in a position where my 30s have been able to be what they have been. I just say to people, you have to dig a little bit deeper than yourself.
[00:07:49] You can only do so many things for yourself before you go, okay I'm not that motivated anymore. I was on the phone. In fact, last night I was driving to Orange County. for an event. And I had about a [00:08:00] half hour phone calls, a coaching call with a kid that long story short, he was referred to me from a close friend of mine.
[00:08:05] So I jumped on this call. I don't know the kid, but he's really going through a life crisis and he's a single dude. And he basically said, I just have no motivation. I'm not motivated for through work. I'm not motivated through. My family and he was like, I'm in a comfortable position. I don't really have to work any harder than I am.
[00:08:21] And I just said to him, I said, look, man, I said, you're comfortable because, and he was like, yeah, I've got my Tesla. I've got a car I want. I go on a few trips a year. Like I'm just comfortable. And I said, dude. You're still thinking about yourself. And I said, the problem is you can only be so motivated for your own self because you accomplish things and you realize I'm not any happier with my Tesla than I was with my Honda.
[00:08:43] I'm not any happier in Hawaii than I was in Utah. I'm not any happier because what you're doing in those situations is you're still trying to fulfill. One of the human needs that isn't fulfillable through material things. You're trying to get it from external forces. And Tony Robbins talks about this all [00:09:00] the time.
[00:09:00] He says, you get to a certain level of fulfillment through certainty, uncertainty, lovers, significant lover connection and significance, but to truly get to that next level of the two things you have to, the two human needs you have to fulfill are growth and contribution. And those are the two pieces that you've got to focus on once you're stuck in a rut or you're in because you're the other four are selfish by their nature, growth and contribution or not, especially contribution.
[00:09:27] And so you've got to get outside of your own self to get out of that rut. You've got to start looking for opportunities to grow. What would make that guy happy and fulfilled? Honestly, it would be putting himself in positions where he probably is going to fail and he'd have to work really hard to succeed.
[00:09:42] It would be putting himself out there in different ways. And I know this as well. So the things I have to do to grow at this point in my life are much bigger than they used to be. I have to take bigger risks. I have to do bigger things. That's really cool though, because it's almost like if there's like levels of life, you're trying to move up the ladder.
[00:09:59] And [00:10:00] now in order to keep that growth and contribution coming, I get to do bigger and bigger things. So like in 10 years ago, I would have just left a hundred dollar tip. You mentioned a hundred dollar. Dinner club that I started up and that would have fulfilled me. I would have been good. I would have been for a week I don't know like I felt so good about that now It's like it wouldn't have really affected my life in any way And so what I did instead is I said, how can I make this much bigger?
[00:10:22] And I said, what if I get everybody involved and try to start a movement around it? And so every week we're going to dinner as a group. We're going again tonight And we get 25 to 30 of us in a little networking group We go to these dinners and everyone brings a hundred bucks and we give the waitress all the money and So we've done thirty two hundred dollars week one twenty four hundred dollars last week this year Week, it'll be about the same and this is like it's such a cool moment, but it's not just the waitress.
[00:10:47] It's not just Given that it's going to these small restaurants that have been getting hammered and hit by the government and trying to help them out. And then we're giving them a voice. And then I'm sharing about these new restaurants I've never even heard of before. And then [00:11:00] it's all the people that get to watch it.
[00:11:01] Like a lot of, a few people were giving me crap for sharing it. And they're like, if you were really doing this out of your heart, you wouldn't. Put it out there. I'm like, no, this has nothing to do with me. I want to inspire them, but there's so much negativity out there now. Like for me to get that contribution piece, I know that I can infect a lot of other people through my social media channels.
[00:11:18] So it's so much more fulfilling to put that out there. And then, other people start posting it. We had over 30 people last week alone left their waitress, the a hundred dollar tip. And I just know the feeling of a waitress when she picks up that tip and sees a hundred dollars or he sees a hundred dollars and all of a sudden they're like, Oh my gosh, people are good. Like people in the world are good. And I don't know which person that's going to affect on which day, but if I can put out enough good in the world, if I can up the frequency is just that little bit by putting that good out there. That to me is the contribution piece, just in a little way.
[00:11:49] And so I'm always looking for opportunities to do those things and to use them. Otherwise, what's the point of trying to gain an audience and gain a following on social media. If you're not going to use it to help. You know [00:12:00] up the frequency of the earth and find people and help them with what they're doing.
[00:12:03] And so it's been fun, man And that's what's cool about it is, like even that phone call with that kid yesterday It was a half hour and I was just in my uber again. I was driving from la to orange county I don't know him. I can't even tell you his name right now to be honest with you I spent a half an hour with the dude and I've been where he's at a long time ago and I really think the phone call meant something to him.
[00:12:23] It was like just the fact that I got to do that, like he chose me as the person when he's in the worst part of his life he's ever been. He's maybe this dude was a random guy. Jimmy Rex can help me like that means something, right? And that's growth. That's contribution. That's why I'm always studying and learning and trying to better myself so that I can have a cooler experience in contribution and love and significance and all of that, man.
[00:12:45] That ripple effect is so powerful. And, when you're constantly making those deposits into the world, yeah, maybe it's not showing up on your PNL, but that's not the purpose or the intention behind it. Dude, who cares what shows up on the PNL, man? It's like, how, what emotions are you experiencing [00:13:00] on a daily weekly basis?
[00:13:01] Do you know? I want to back up a little bit because you said something in terms of you used to be that guy. And I think a lot of people are maybe with everything that's going on in 2020, some people really leaned in and did really well and learned a lot about themselves. But I know there's somebody out there that's listening right now that maybe, laid down a little bit and is feeling discouraged.
[00:13:22] And what are some of those lessons that you would share with that individual or maybe that you shared with that kid, yesterday that might be able to give them that spark that could be fanned into a little bit of a flame and eventually turned into a wildfire that, they're sitting and looking like Jimmy Rex right now in 5, 10 years down the road.
[00:13:41] Yeah. First thing I would say is quit beating yourself up. That's the biggest problem that a lot of people have is they keep looking the wrong direction. They're looking backwards. Like all you've got is what's forward. If you want to look backwards, only do it to learn. Otherwise quit looking back.
[00:13:53] By the way, that's if you had a good past or a bad past, like if you're living in the past for good or bad, you're, you can't go [00:14:00] forward doing that. And so the only reason to ever look back is to just learn. But so the next thing that I tell people is. And it's such a it's a question. I did a facebook live.
[00:14:08] It's on my facebook Jimmy rex if you guys want to go check it out around whenever you're listening to this podcast. It was around january 17th or 16th 2021 and What I did on that facebook live is all I went through Like how I go through my end of the year review and how I set goals going forward every year I just did a quick like I take a day or two to do it this year I flew to cabo and spent two days on the beach doing it by myself.
[00:14:31] I was jealous of that picture man Dude, it was, it was I just want to be in the right mindset. I want to be in the, in a state of gratitude. And I was just being there and seeing the beauty of the earth and tacos and tequila and the whole bit, man, it was just a good time, but but no. And, but what I wanted to what I was getting at from that Facebook live was, About halfway through I talk about anytime somebody comes to me and they're in a rut this kid yesterday honestly probably about once a week Go to lunch with somebody or whatever just somebody get on a phone call [00:15:00] with somebody.
[00:15:00] It's the same thing I ask him a question. I say well if everything went right in your life for the next five years What would your life look like? And people can't answer that question. Yeah, and if you can't answer that question with crystal clear clarity Then you haven't done the work that you need to design your life to Be a life that you want to have otherwise You're just living with what comes into your life Like if somebody comes to you do that thing somebody asks you to do something you sign up for it Somebody invites you to go somewhere you go but if you're doing that you're not building your life by design and so what you need to do is Strip the expectation of what your life needs to look like, but instead design it to say, okay, this is where I'm going in five years to get there in five years.
[00:15:44] Here's where I need to go this year. And to get there in a year, here's what I need to do this month, break it down to the week and the day. And then you have to work a plan like. This is the part where a lot of people get stuck to. It's one of the best books I've ever read. Is a book by Keith Cunningham.
[00:15:59] It's [00:16:00] called the road less stupid. And this dude, he's the rich dad from rich dad, poor dad. He's the actual guy that Robert talks about. Yeah. Yeah. And in that book, he really breaks down. It's awesome to have goals. It's awesome to have a vision for your life. And That's you need that part. But what you need is to figure out what do I need to be very consistent at and persistent at every single day to truly achieve that thing.
[00:16:23] What two things do I need to be persistent at and consistent at every single day? And then you do those things, you do the hard work, you do the thing that you don't want to do. And that is how you end up achieving the life that you want. But I designed my life five years ago, I did this. I gotta be honest, man.
[00:16:41] It's pretty damn close. There's a few things i'm still working on But I hang out with the exact people I had on that list some of them that were As big as my mind can think and I go to the places that I want to have and I have the experiences I want to have and I have the feelings of myself and the love for others and the relationships I want to have in my life And I built that [00:17:00] thing, dude, by design, like I literally mapped out exactly how I was going to do it.
[00:17:03] And I worked it backwards. And it's crazy how like things fall in your lap and some things just like you'll put something on there and it's that's a crazy, I don't know how that's ever going to happen. But then you just have it there and you'll see like little hints, like people will say something or somebody will teach you something.
[00:17:18] And next thing you're achieving that thing that was once just a dream that you could And so That's the best I could give to people is just know exactly if everything were to go right in my life Where would I be? What would my life look like and then you have to be persistent and consistent and figure out which things are most important To be persistent and consistent to get that thing achieved It's amazing how when you do ask people of what that North Star is, what that vision is, they just don't have that clarity in it.
[00:17:47] I've I do, same thing, similar. I've got my planner and then I create a new vision board every year that I have it printed out in my planner. I got one up on the wall. I got it on my lock screen on my home. If you're not clear on what that is you can't get intimate [00:18:00] with it.
[00:18:00] You can't, create a plan for it because most people we're pretty good at executing if we know exactly what we need to do, but people don't know what they're really going after. So I love that you bring that up because it is so critical to stay in relationship with that plan and with those goals, because then you start connecting.
[00:18:17] Those dots is more data points get up on the board, right? And you start to see a little bit clear of the path of how you can actually chip away at some of those big things that you're working on. And I know that you have worked on building a really big real estate business. We haven't even talked about yet that yet.
[00:18:33] And you mentioned earlier influence and the power of social media and branding. I know that you just had a, was that a record day for you? 36 houses in one day from a social media post. It was a record day for the number of cells, not for the most money, like commission earned. But and how did that come about?
[00:18:50] Just so people understand 36 sales in one day from a so it was 32 in one day and it was 36 in a 36 hour window basically. But what happened [00:19:00] was. So essentially I've worked for four years now to build up my social media and people do business with people they know I can trust. And the most important part of that is people they trust.
[00:19:10] They don't even have to like you. If they trust you, they'll use you. Like especially real estate and trust goes two ways. It's not just that they trust you as a good person. Like they have to trust. This guy's not going to screw me. This guy's going to have my best interest in mind Like they have to trust that you're a good person The second part of that is they have to trust that you're an expert that you're the best person for the job They trust that you know what you're doing And so i've spent the last 17 years as an agent Becoming the expert in every way possible that I can in real estate and i've made sure every year Even though i'm at top of my game or i'm number one agent in my area, whatever it might be I've always just fully gone for to try to learn more like in 2012 I was the number one agent in utah county my entire county And I left to go to arizona state to get my master's in real estate because I wanted to learn That much more what I could to help my clients, right?
[00:19:58] And so like they just my clients [00:20:00] have always known. Okay jimmy, I can trust jimmy as an agent. I can trust him as a person of course, I want to use him. Then I do a lot of investing advisory. We do a lot of I've helped over 400 investors, me and my partner Tyler over the last two years.
[00:20:13] And we're very good at not pushing any products we don't believe in or any products we wouldn't buy ourselves. I always have a rule with real estate investing. I will never pitch something that I wouldn't partner with you on. And so my investors know if I'm pitching them something, it's a really good deal.
[00:20:27] And so I was going to bed Wednesday night last week, and I was just like flip through my Facebook real quick. And one of my friends, my friend, Carrie, she works for a builder up in Park City, and she had posted these new condos. And I've been looking for a vacation rental, ski and ski out vacation rental condo for a year and a half, right?
[00:20:44] I've looked at everything. They're either really old, they're not quite ski and ski out, or they're over a million bucks. And I almost pulled the trigger on one that was a million two, no kidding, four months ago. And I just wanted to see what would pan out with the election before I did anything.
[00:20:57] She posts this. out condos for [00:21:00] around 4500, 000 bucks. I'm like, what the heck? Like it's right on the mountain canyons, which is connected to park city. And long story short, I texted her cause I'm good friends with her. Text her like 11 39. I'm like, Hey, are you up? I want to talk about these condos. And she calls me back.
[00:21:14] And I'm like, okay, so I take two and I just made a video just on my Instagram. I was like, oh my gosh, I know I've got a lot of friends looking for ski and ski out vacation rentals. I just found one. I'm doing two of these things. If you want to get in on this, I highly recommend it. If you've ever thought about getting a vacation rental ski and ski out.
[00:21:30] I go to bed. Sorry. No, by the time I post it, even before I went to bed, I'd probably sold three or four. I woke up, had 15 messages at 6 a. m. I had, I have an accountability partner calls me at 6 a. m. And my plan was to do the call and then go back to bed, which I'll do something. I'm human. But, and but he calls me and I'm just like, all right, man, I'm awake.
[00:21:50] See, and I was gonna go to bed. I'm like, let's see if anybody responded to the message on Instagram. And I looked down. And there's 15 messages already waiting for me at 6 a. m. I'm like, oh man. [00:22:00] So I stumbled downstairs to my computer where I'm sitting right now. I'm just sitting in my underwear true story.
[00:22:03] I didn't have a shirt on. Next thing I know it's almost lunch. It's 12 o'clock. I had to cancel a few morning appointments. I've got 11 cells. I've got a 200 more leads that have come in people that want information. So I hurry and shower, get to my office. I ended up sitting in my office till midnight, 1130 midnight, just do a deal after deal.
[00:22:21] And by the end of it, we'd done 32 deals that day in that one day. I still have, I'm not joking when I said I still have about. Over 80 leads. I got to get back to, I went to, I had to go to LA yesterday. And so I had my assistant text them on set up 15 minute windows for Wednesday and Thursday morning.
[00:22:37] Just every single one of them called them and just set up a little window because I didn't want her to think I'd forgot about it, but I just haven't had time to get to them. So it was crazy, man. But that all came from one post on social media. But that came from 10 years. Of a knowing how to use social media to attract people to my profile I'm, not a real estate agent that's posting deal after deal of just a stupid listing or the mls sheet or whatever it might be Like i've been very [00:23:00] strategic to try to make it so that people want to follow my profile just posting good stuff that makes you feel good or inspires you or whatever And so when I do finally pitch a product a they're like hell jimmy's doing it.
[00:23:09] He bought two So it gave a lot of confidence to other people to want to do the same thing and everybody that's buying them We've already got They've already gone up like 10, 15%. So everybody's got a ton of equity. And I think they're all going to do very well. And so my, again it's a matter of building that up, but that trust factor is what essentially sold all those.
[00:23:27] And I know you talk in detail, a lot of this out. In your book and mind you guys, Jimmy's got some amazing books. If you're not following them on social media, follow them on social media. But the next wave of influence in real estate, right? And you talked about the persistence and consistency and building your brand and putting out quality value.
[00:23:45] And I always tell people, whether you like the way you sound or the way you like, you do, or don't like the way you look, it's really important, right? To give that window into who you are and what you stand for and what you believe in and what you're up to. Two, right? Because that is how you build that rapport [00:24:00] and get people to know and trust you.
[00:24:01] And it also gives you that credibility and authority with what you're doing. What is your formula? Like mine personally is 33, 33, 33%. 33 percent is around mindset, positivity, uplifting things. The other 33 percent is around business, education, real estate, investing, wealth building. And then the other 33 percent is just my lifestyle, having fun traveling, my daughters, my wife my health.
[00:24:23] So what, do you have a method to your madness or what does yours look like? So when I was building my Instagram, I knew that you have to be very intentional about it. I had to do something different. So I would travel a lot. And so over about a two and a half year span, I went to almost 60 countries in that two and a half year span.
[00:24:38] And so I had a lot of really cool pictures and. Photos that people really liked. And so I made my track, my profile attractive to watch. Oh, let's see where Jimmy's at next. Let's see what Jimmy's doing. And then I would post a lot of my videos as far as I was doing podcasts with different celebrities and, blue check marks and all that kind of stuff.
[00:24:54] And that was when I was building it. I quit growth mode about six months ago. And I just said, now [00:25:00] I'm just going to post whatever I want to I don't have a strategy now. Like I used to post every day. It was a strategic thing. It was building my profile up on Instagram. Now, I literally just post what I want, when I want.
[00:25:11] If I have something to post, I post it. If I don't. I don't try to force it. I don't try to find something just for the sake of posting. Again, it's if I want to post something, I post it. And so that's been really cool. It's been a nice little shift too, because there's no pressure on it and I don't care if people like it or not.
[00:25:26] I used to be totally obsessed with whether or not people were going to, if they, if I didn't get enough likes, I'd consider, I like deleted a post one time. It was like embarrassing to say because none of people liked it, I was like I thought it was cool. But now I truly just put it out there and.
[00:25:39] I've, the best example of this is Joe Rogan. Obviously that guy's like a king in these days, but number one influencer probably in the world, I would say as far as getting his message out. But if you watch how he does his Instagram, it was really cool. I was just like, he doesn't give a shit.
[00:25:53] He's posted about elk and his dog. He doesn't give a shit. I love that about him though. And I had a[00:26:00] a buddy one time he was attraction coach. He would teach you how to become a more attractive human to these people that. needed that. And he's a close friend. I had him on my podcast. Good buddy, my, my buddy Sean.
[00:26:09] And I, he said to me once, he said, Jimmy, the most attractive quality a human can have is to be 100 percent unapologetically whoever they are. It's like the, it's like having style with dressing, right? If you have good style, you have a great look without it looking like you tried. That's The best way to have style.
[00:26:27] If you look like you tried too hard, you look like a, just idiot. And so long story short, it's the same way with social media. Now I'm like, look, I obviously am very strategic about what I post. I'm thinking about what I post. I love to post things that are going to grow my page or make people want to interact with me.
[00:26:43] But I'm also not a try hard. I'm not doing it just for the sake of doing it. I don't feel like I have to do anything. I'm posting what I want to post. And so I think that has helped me a lot. And I think as I got more secure with my own self, like I really, had some amazing experiences over the last year where I really feel like I [00:27:00] got to love myself a lot more than I probably ever did before and getting that love internally for my own self, I don't feel like I need it externally as much.
[00:27:09] I'm not trying to get. People to like me through my post or whatever I'm sending out there. I'm just trying to, instead of coming from a place of fear oh man, I hope they know I'm enough. So they love me. So I'm lovable. It's more because I want to share love, here's what I'm posting. And that's made a big difference.
[00:27:24] It's really helped me with just having a healthy mindset around social media. I love that. Now you have obviously big goals, big dreams. You hang around a lot of big thinkers. What 2021 and beyond? Man, there's so much opportunity right now. It's crazy. I feel like everyone I know has a ton of money and everybody's making a ton of money.
[00:27:44] Like everything, like I'll listen to one of my buddies and he's dude, go buy this alt coin. And I buy it. I put 25 grand into it. I looked this morning, it's at 43 grand. And it's he's a genius. And then I talked to my other buddy and he's bro, we're going to do this thing. And then you put some money in.
[00:27:57] It's it's working. And everybody that's bought real estate is [00:28:00] just printing money right now. And. I'm trying to take advantage because there's an old saying, make hay while the sun shines. And there's a reason that's the case. It's not always like this. Like I went through the downturn of 2007, eight, nine, 10, like I've been in the shit.
[00:28:13] And so I appreciate that much more what's going on right now. And so I've decided this year. I'm really doubling down on my efforts to invest and invest the right way So a couple things i've done, last year I went big in on bitcoin I got back from a tony robbins seminar and he said to go big on bitcoin So I did and I mean I almost made as much off bitcoin as I did selling real estate last year.
[00:28:33] So that's pretty awesome this year there's a couple other things I'm going in on baseball cards, basketball cards being one of them and silver being one of them. But my big thing always is real estate. And I think we're going to appreciate another 10 or 11 percent this year. So I'm trying to take advantage of rates.
[00:28:46] So my big goal this year, the thing I'm most excited about is I have a goal to get to a hundred houses owned by the end of the year. So I set up a formula. Because you can only buy 10 with your own credit and mine's full. I own 17 right now. I got about five more under contract with partners, [00:29:00] but I decided to partner up with people to get those next 80.
[00:29:03] I have some cash to do it, but I don't have my credit and some things like that. So we split down payment. They pay 75, I pay 25. I use their credit, but I manage everything. I make it easy. It's a done for you kind of thing. And a lot of my friends and they want to partner up doing that.
[00:29:17] And so doing this, I can take advantage of this bull run we're on. And I'm going to get up my goal by the end of 2021 is to own a hundred houses. I need to get about 80 more, but that's the big goal and I'm going to do it. And so that's that's what I'm most excited about. That's great, man. And it just shows, that.
[00:29:35] You run into a hurdle and an obstacle can't do 10, beyond 10. Guess what? There's plenty of ways and that's one of the beauties of why I love real estate, right? Is there's so many ways to find win wins and structure deals in terms that make sense for people. We're about to come into that market again where people will do seller financing people like hey Give me 20 grand and take over my loan, and some of these things and so i'm just bracing myself for all that I'm looking for opportunity and it's funny because when I [00:30:00] made my five year goals four years ago One of them was to own a hundred houses.
[00:30:04] And I always looked at that one. Okay, that's the one that I'm not going to achieve. But why did I put that? Because man, I knew how hard that would be to do. And then I ran into a buddy, he's a real estate influencer. And he explained to me that he's doing the same program. He's the one that taught it to me, but he puts zero down.
[00:30:20] His clients put down all the money, use all their credit. He just manages it and finances it or helps him like. Put it all together and they split it 50 50 with him. And I'm like, no way people would do that. And I was talking to my business partner and he, does some of the fulfillment for that guy.
[00:30:34] And he's bro, you have a lot more trust. Like people trust you a hundred times more than him. Like he's just a really good salesman. If you did this, you would crush it. And so I put a thing out a week and a half ago and I had literally 25 people hit me up. Like I'm ready to roll on one if you want to.
[00:30:48] And I'm just like, how, wow. I had no idea that. And I'm like, wait, that makes sense. Like when I was younger. I invested in all the wrong things. If I could have found me at 39 when I was 22 and [00:31:00] invested all my money this way, I'd have millions and millions more money than I have now. Like I did everything.
[00:31:05] And so I'm like, you know what? Yeah. Like I am going to push this and I believe in this and I'm going to help people make a shit ton of money by partnering with me as opposed to just trying to do this on their own. It's really, I forget how much I know on real estate. And so it's no, like I can make you up more than the difference that you would make by doing this on your own.
[00:31:22] And I'm helping be a partner in this thing. I believe in I'm putting my own skin in the game, 25%. And it's funny because people are just, yeah, they're just coming to the woodwork wanting to do it. And so it was like, in my mind, I'd never thought that's how I could get a hundred homes, but because I had it out there, because it was in my mind, when I heard this dude, what he was doing, and I was telling my business partner about my goal, he's bro, you could actually do this.
[00:31:43] And it came about. And now that's what we're working towards. It's amazing, man. Now you are someone that obviously is building some wealth. So I'm curious on your philosophy. Are you more of a, are you more inspired and excited about growing your net worth? A hundred million, 200 million. Are you more about the passive income [00:32:00] and the freedom that's unlocked in that income?
[00:32:02] Yeah. So again, the same Tony Robbins wealth master. I highly recommend everybody go to it. Like literally just what they taught me about Bitcoin alone. And what they did is actually explain why it's going to work and how, why you should have it and all these different things. It was the first time I went, Oh shit, like this thing's going to work.
[00:32:17] And they basically said there's 42 million households in the world that are millionaires and there's only 21 million Bitcoin. So if every millionaire wanted Bitcoin, there's not enough for even half the people. That's how scarce it is. Then they, anyway, they go into all these things and all of a sudden you're like, Oh, I need to buy Bitcoins.
[00:32:30] There's a, buy a lot of Bitcoin. The other thing they said is about wealth is they said, it doesn't really matter what your net worth is. Like ultimately what you're trying to do is get to a position where you get to do whatever you want with your life. That's being truly retired or financially free.
[00:32:45] And so they have us go through this huge exercise. And the last thing in the exercise is to live your dream life. How much money do you need coming in every month from leveraged income? They call it leveraged because that's truly passive income. From leveraged [00:33:00] income every single month without digging into your principle, how much do you need to live off of?
[00:33:04] And I came up with my number. And my number was, it's high, but it's also not crazy. It's 45, 000 a month. I can do charity. I can go travel how I want. I can do about everything I want to do with 45 grand a month coming in. And so I realized instead of thinking of this grand number of net worth, what I need to figure out how to get a passive income leveraged income of 45, 000 a month.
[00:33:25] And then I truly will be financially free. For my life. So that's what I'm working towards that number. That's great, man. All right. So as we wrap up, I know people are going to want to know how to get ahold of you and follow you guys. You've got to follow Jimmy on social media and just check out his book.
[00:33:39] You end up where you're heading, the dangers of living a safe life, the next wave of influence in real estate. You've got all kinds of amazing content website. You're very generous with what you share and who you connect with where's the best place for them to do that. Yeah, I share everything through my Instagram stories.
[00:33:57] So I share my YouTube channel, my Facebook, [00:34:00] my blog all the events I'm doing, all the a hundred dollar dinner club, all these different things I share through my Instagram. So the best place to follow me is on my Instagram, which is Mr. Jimmy Rex. And I do answer any DMS. If anybody ever has questions, as long as it's a real question, I'll always answer it.
[00:34:15] And try to help you out. And feel free to hit me up there. I would love to talk to you and help you any way I can, but Mr. Jimmy Rex on Instagram is the best place to find me, man. And we'll link that up in the show notes, guys, head over to millionairemindcast. com on Jimmy's episode and anything that he shared in the episode resources, links, websites, handles, we'll get all that.
[00:34:32] Up there and available to you guys. All right, Jimmy. I'm gonna finish it with this question because I know you You did something this last year. That was a first for you And it's it's imprinted on your body And I want to know the story behind it and the meaning behind it because I think it's pretty cool Yeah, so I got my first tattoo.
[00:34:50] I was super anti tattoo You got to understand like I used to verbally say how gross Tattoos were, I'm like your body so beautiful. Why would you, but but then I had an experience and eventually I was like, [00:35:00] man, like that's such so close to my heart. I want to put it right on my forum. So I got this tattoo.
[00:35:05] It says we are the day. And what it means is essentially, so I'm part of a group that goes undercover and helps rescue kids that are being sex trafficked. I've been part of this group for several years now been had the chance to go on 11 different operations and rescue over a hundred kids. And but one of them in particular was super dangerous.
[00:35:24] And when we got back, my girlfriend at the time picked me up at the airport and we're driving back and I'm telling her all about this experience. It was super dangerous. And she pulls over and and she's Hey I want to talk to you for a sec. I really don't want you to go do this anymore.
[00:35:37] It's not safe. It's super dangerous. And I don't like the environment. I'm like this is, kind of part of my life's calling now. And she goes, I know, but why can't they just go do it? And without thinking, I just, I literally said, there is no, they, we are the, they. And it just shot shivers down my spine.
[00:35:55] I'm like, we are the, I'm like, oh my gosh. And so it's what the whole meaning of it is, we don't wait for people to give us [00:36:00] permission. We don't wait for somebody to tell us what to do. If we see something wrong, we make it right. If we can make a difference, we do it because we can.
[00:36:07] We are the they. And so that's the movement. And that's what my mantra is. I got, my t shirts and all that fun stuff. And I'm just starting to play with it a little bit. I, it's been about six months since I put it on my arm and I was hoping I wouldn't regret it and I couldn't be happier with it.
[00:36:21] I just love it. And anyway, that's the that's the mantra for we are the way it's amazing, man. You're your leadership, how you lead your life, what you share with others. It's inspiring, bro. And we appreciate you coming on the show today. Thanks, man. That's a great job. I appreciate you.
[00:36:35] Take care.