How to Win Life with the Defense and Offense Strategy | Dean Graziosi | Replay

In this episode of the Millionaire Mindcast, we have a stellar guest, Dean Graziosi who shares insights about the right mindset and habits you must-have during this quarantine, how to meet new opportunities, how to get ahead from everyone at the end,...
In this episode of the Millionaire Mindcast, we have a stellar guest, Dean Graziosi who shares insights about the right mindset and habits you must-have during this quarantine, how to meet new opportunities, how to get ahead from everyone at the end, and how to win life!
Dean Graziosi is an entrepreneur, a leader, lifelong learner, knowledge broker, investor, real estate expert, multiple NY Times best-selling author, and world-renowned success coach. He created a breakthrough course, held extremely high impact masterminds, worked with Tony Robbins, wrote best-selling books such as Millionnaire Success Habits, and Motor Million$, and hosted a top-rated podcast called The Dean Graziosi Show.
He used to travel to speak to hundreds of thousands of people and make an impact worldwide by sharing strategies and knowledge to people in order to build a happy, fulfilled, rich, and successful life. He has shared his message through The Wall Street Journal, Forbes, TIME, USA Today, The New York Times, CNBC, ABC, CNN, Fox Business, Today, Oprah, The View, Yahoo, and Business Insider.
Dean has been an entrepreneur for 30 years, he has been to multiple down markets, and this uncertainty is not new to him. The only thing he is certain is this is not the end of the world. We’ve been to wars, past pandemics, and other challenges and we’ve survived. The key is just setting the right mindset during this quarantine.
Ask yourself, who do you want to be at the end of this? Are you just going to hide in fear or are you going to find ways to get ahead from others? If you choose the latter, think about strategies to level up your life. Start on simple things that need your focus, and work on things you don’t have time before. Don’t focus on regret, on what you’ve lost, and on things, you don’t have but find ways to invest & grow, work on the relationships, start your business, and save money.
Moreover, according to Dean, this is the time where you can thrive by planting seeds so you can harvest down the road. How you spend this time is how you are planting seeds by being energized, and innovative. Look at this time as a gift to evolve and improve yourself. This is the time we need more energy. Go with self-education or get a coach, practice more, & practice when no one is looking. This is not the time to wait for someone else to fix it. This is a time to step up, to be a leader, and to show people that you can thrive.
Develop success habits and rituals. Turn on your defense and offense buttons, and be grateful whatever you have right now. Also, remember to level up your virtual connection in this social-distancing time.
Some Questions I Ask:
- How are you supporting the people that are really struggling & scared with the circumstances we find ourselves right now? (00:59)
- What are some of the greatest habits in the book that if you were to pick one or two right now that applied now more than ever, which ones did you highlight? (05:39)
- What are some of the rituals and habits that help you stay more in hands with your awareness that people might not be working into their routine right now? (10:41)
- What are you sharpening right now and putting work ethic in on right now that’s not maybe as natural or easy or habitual for Dean? (16:59)
- What is your overall sentiment or message to those people to learn the new pieces, tools, resources, and strategies to actually succeed and adapt in this new world that we find ourselves being pushed into? (24:53)
- What is Mastermind? (29:58)
- Where do you see trends and opportunities in times like now, what are you paying attention to? (34:11)
- What do you say to that person who feels being an impostor and has self-doubts to share things right now? (36:14)
- What is your overall outlook on the economy as a whole, and on real estate in this next cycle and how are you positioning yourself to continue building wealth? (40:12)
- I’m curious about your thoughts in regards to Recession or Depression? (42:16)
- If you will leave something of positivity to kind of spotlight a silver lining in all of these, what would you leave them today? (45:04)
In This Episode, You Will Learn:
- How to step up during this crisis (06:33)
- Why you should be aware of your Internal Dialog (08:02)
- Why you need to play defense and offense to win in life (11:01)
- How to build certainty in these uncertain times (21:46)
- Starting Over versus Transitioning (25:38)
- Which is more valuable resources or resourcefulness (28:11)
- Analogy about life experiences to do amazing things (37:23)
- “How you spend this time is how you are planting seeds.”
- “The most innovation in the world comes out when your backs are against the wall.”
- “A leader could be a leader of your family setting example for your kids, for your wife.”
- “People focus on what they lost or what they don’t have can never go to another level.”
- “I believed I was born a pessimist who’s fought my whole life to be an optimist.”
- “Success is often so simple, we overcomplicate it.”
- “It’s the little things that add up to the big things.”
- “Work ethic is a recession-proof.”
- “You win games when no one is watching.”
- “No one is going to learn on the back of uncertainty.”
- “People need certainty in uncertain times.”
- “If you’re not climbing you’re sliding, not growing you’re dying.”
Resources Mentioned:
The Power of Now book by Eckhart Tolle
The Untethered Soul book by Michael A. Singer
Connect with Dean Graziosi on:
Millionnaire Success Habits book by Dean Graziosi
Motor Million$ book by Dean Graziosi