Oct. 21, 2020

What Happens To The Market If We Don't Know Who Won The Election? | WBW

What Happens To The Market If We Don't Know Who Won The Election? | WBW

In this episode of Millionaire Mindcast, the dynamic duo is back! and this week they will go over the latest news on our Economy & Stock Market. As we near the US elections, our Markets shifts, but What Happens To The Market If We Don't Know Who...

In this episode of Millionaire Mindcast, the dynamic duo is back! and this week they will go over the latest news on our Economy & Stock Market. As we near the US elections, our Markets shifts, but What Happens To The Market If We Don't Know Who Won The Election?  Tune-in to find out!. Take notes, enjoy!

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Episode Sponsored By: TheRichLifeStore.com

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